Fargo Wiki


Wally's corpse, surrounded by fish.

Wally Semenchko is the head of security at Phoenix Farms, the supermarket owned by Stavros Milos.

Early Life[]

Wally had been working for Stavros since 1986. In 1992, he was the Farm League MVP of Oilers and he had knocked 138 heads career-wise. (The Rooster Prince)

Season 1[]

"The Rooster Prince"[]

To be added.

"A Muddy Road"[]

To be added.

Episode Appearance[]

Season 1[]


  • Only Wally's first name appears in the credits, however his last name is said by Stavros.
  • His name is taken from NHL heavyweight and tough guy Dave Semenko who was an enforcer for the Edmonton Oilers in the 1980s.

Season 1 characters
Main Lorne MalvoMolly SolversonGus GrimlyLester Nygaard
Recurring Ben SchmidtBill BudgeBill OswaltBo MunkBurt CantonChaz NygaardDon Chumph
Gina HessGrady NumbersGreta GrimlyIda ThurmanJemma StaloneKitty NygaardKnudsen
Linda ParkLou SolversonMax GoldPearl NygaardStavros MilosVern Thurman
Wally SemenchkoWebb PepperWes Wrench
All characters
