Fargo Wiki

Otto's death

Otto's corpse.

Otto Gerhardt is a character in Season 2.

Early Life[]

Otto moved to the United States before 1950. The only thing is known that his father left Germany after the World War I, moved to the United States, established the family business, and only then moved his family to the US

Otto took over the family business in 1950 after his father, Deiter Gerhardt, died as the result of a hit ordered by a rival gang leader.

Season 2[]

In Episode 1, Otto and his wife, Floyd, are at the family's kitchen table discussing a discrepancy in the accounting ledger. Floyd dismisses the small amount not brought in by her youngest son, Rye, and insists that there has to be something larger at stake. The Gerhardt brothers imply that a small outfit from Kansas City is attempting to intrude on their territory. Otto Gerhardt sputters in disbelief, unable to fathom how someone would have the muster to challenge his supremacy given his reputation. During this moment of emotion, Otto begins gripping the table tightly and shows signs of experiencing a stroke before collapsing on to the floor.

Episode 2 shows the family doctor examining Otto. He is diagnosed with a severe stroke and Floyd mentions that he may never speak or be lucid for the remainder of his life.

Episode 4 begins in what appears to be 1950. A younger Otto Gerhardt walks into the theater with his son, Dodd. The elder Gerhardt asks his son to take a seat and takes a seat himself. Otto begins conversing with a man behind him, presumably the man who ordered the hit on his father or killed his father. The notion of "killing the king makes you king" is discussed and the man chastises Otto for bringing his son to the theater, knowing his ultimate demise being a possible outcome. "Boy's gotta learn how men are." was Otto's response as his son placed a switchblade against the base of the man's skull and triggered the switch, killing the man. Otto stands, shoots everyone in the theater, and flees with young Dodd. An older Dodd is seen driving his car down a North Dakota highway, the previous scene being Dodd's recollection of a childhood moment with his father.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 2[]


Bears striking resemblance to Wade Gustafson, who was played by Harvey Presnell in the 1996 film.To be added.

Season 2 characters
Main Ed BlumquistFloyd GerhardtHank LarssonLou SolversonPeggy Blumquist
Recurring Bear GerhardtBen SchmidtBetsy SolversonConstance HeckDodd GerhardtGibson
Hanzee DentJoe BuloKarl WeathersMort KellermanMike MilliganIrma MundtJeb Cheney
Otto GerhardtRicky GRonald ReaganRye GerhardtSimone GerhardtSkip Sprang
All characters

