Fargo Wiki

Irma's death

Irma's corpse.

Judge Irma Mundt is a character in Fargo Season 2. She is one of the three victims of the Waffle Hut Triple Homicide.



Irma worked as a judge in Fargo, North Dakota. At some point before March 17, Irma had Skip Sprang's accounts frozen for reasons unknown, but likely reasons would be because of a judgment against him by a creditor due to Sprang's gambling habits. Skip has tried multiple times to get her to change her mind but with no avail. (Waiting for Dutch)

Waffle Hut Triple Homicide[]

One evening she drives out of Fargo to visit her crippled nephew in a children's hospital.[1] On her way there, she stops at the Waffle Hut to eat. After a while, Rye Gerhardt sits down across the booth from her and she instantly tries to shoo him away, believing he is trying to sell her something. Rye tells him he is going to make her change her mind about a case. She then quotes the story of Job, a man who refused to let the Devil change his mind about God no matter what happened to him, saying if the Devil could not do it, neither can Rye. Rye however does not understand the relevance of the story, so she accuses him of being dim. Once she realizes Rye is trying to help Skip, she pulls out a can of bug spray and tells him to leave. He laughs and insults her, so she sprays him in the eyes and threatens to call the cops. Rye in turn pulls out a gun, and she immediately regrets her decision as she is shot. After he turns around and shoots the cook and the waitress, a wounded Irma takes a knife and stabs him in the back. She does not have the upper hand for long, as Rye turns back around and shoots her three more times, killing her. (Waiting for Dutch)

Episode appearances[]

Season 2[]


  • While she is only credited as "Mundt" on IMDb, her full name can be seen in the History of True Crime in the Midwest book in The Castle.
  • She is referred to as a municipal judge in the second episode, but as a state judge in the third episode, which makes more sense. A municipal judge is unlikely to hear any cases that result in freezing someone's assets. Skip states he is going to court because of a problem over "back taxes," which would indicate he failed to pay state or federal taxes for himself or his business. Taxes at the municipal level would not amount to much.


Season 2 characters
Main Ed BlumquistFloyd GerhardtHank LarssonLou SolversonPeggy Blumquist
Recurring Bear GerhardtBen SchmidtBetsy SolversonConstance HeckDodd GerhardtGibson
Hanzee DentJoe BuloKarl WeathersMort KellermanMike MilliganIrma MundtJeb Cheney
Otto GerhardtRicky GRonald ReaganRye GerhardtSimone GerhardtSkip Sprang
All characters
