Dibrell Smutny is a character in Fargo Season 4.
She is the Tritagonist of Season 4.
Dibrell Smutny is the mother of Ethelrida. Suffice it to say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, for it’s Dibrell who showed Ethelrida how to be a strong woman who marches to the beat of her own drum. Dibrell is determined to do what is necessary for the good of her family.
Dibrell was sitting at her kitchen table with her husband and the loan sharks they'd borrowed money from when her daughter came home. Her daughter was promptly sent upstairs to her room. Later, at dinner, when her daughter asked about the men, she was told to sit down and eat her dinner.[1]
Not long after that, Dibrell and her husband were awakened in the middle of the night by a knock at the door. Her sister, Zelmare, was there. She said she'd heard that Dibrell had taken money from a loan shark, she broke out of prison to help her out of it.[2]
The police watched the Smutny house, knowing she was Zelmare's sister and suspected she'd go there after breaking out. After seeing Thurman come out to the porch to retrieve a pie left there by Oraetta Mayflower, the police entered the house. They all insisted that as far as they knew, Zelmare was still in prison, but Wickware and his guys searched the whole house. They didn't find Zelmare and Swanee, so they left. After they left, Thurman helped Zelmare and Swanee escape using a coffin in the back of a hearse.[3]
Zelmare and Swanee had robbed Loy after their escape and Zelmare brought the money to Thurman, who used it to pay Loy off and settle their debt. Then he came home and celebrated with Dibrell, who was immediately suspicious of Thurman getting the money.[4]
As it was Ethelrida's birthday, Dibrell made and decorated a cake. While she was working on it, Loy came by with Zero Fadda and said he knew they'd paid him with money stolen from him. Because of that, he'd be taking over their business effective immediately. If they told him where Zelmare and Swanee were, they would live. If not, he would kill them. They decided to turn in her sister.[5]
Despite this interaction, Dibrell and Thurman welcomed their daughter home and celebrated her birthday as previously planned.[6]
In the wake of Josto telling her Satchel was dead, Buel Cannon came to see Dibrell, asking her to handle the service. Dibrell said it would be an honor. She also asked Buel to help her and Thurman get a chance to make things right with Loy, a request Buel didn't directly answer.[7]
As the war raged, Thurman and Dibrell prepared the bodies of all Loy's fallen men.[8]
Dibrell, Thurman, and Ethelrida happily watched as Loy's men removed all his merchandise and returned control of their business to the Smutnys. Lemuel himself was impressed that Ethelrida managed to do that.[9]
Episode appearances[]
Season 4[]
- 401 - "Welcome to the Alternate Economy"
- 402 - "The Land of Taking and Killing"
- 403 - "Raddoppiarlo"
- 404 - "The Pretend War"
- 405 - "The Birthplace of Civilization"
- 406 - "Camp Elegance"
- 408 - "The Nadir"
- 410 - "Happy"
- 411 - "Storia Americana"
To be added.
Season 4 characters | |
Main | Loy Cannon • Oraetta Mayflower • Josto Fadda • Rabbi Milligan • Odis Weff • Gaetano Fadda • Ethelrida Pearl Smutny • Thurman Smutny • Dibrell Smutny • Leon Bittle • Lemuel Cannon • Omie Sparkman • Opal Rackley • Ebal Violante • Constant Calamita • David Harvard • Zelmare Roulette |
Recurring | Doctor Senator • Donatello Fadda • Antoon Dumini • Dick Wickware • Swanee Capps • Mort Kellerman • Lionel "Happy" Halloway • Paolo Endrizzi • Buel Cannon • Satchel Cannon • Joe Bulo |
All characters |